Have you ever been to a factory and seen how the machines there are made to work round the clock producing different kinds of products.
If you understand how a factory works, you will also know that those machines go through a routine maintenance check to ensure that they are in a good working condition. They are put off, oiled, and serviced to ensure that they function optimally in their next use.
Taking care of yourself is very necessary especially as we are living in times when many have been caught in a subtle web of chasing the next big thing – the next career milestone, the next project, the next degree etc. It is essential to take deliberate step back to ensure you are not negating your well-being.
The Most Important Part of Self Care
Discipline: At the very core of self care is discipline. Every principle of an effective self care routine centres on discipline. You can only achieve much if you make up your mind to stay true to the course
Tips on Taking Care of Yourself
- Eat in healthy sized portions – The place of food in your overall well being cannot be overemphasised. Endeavour to eat what is healthy and nutritious. As much as possible, avoid consuming too much processed food. There are several health conditions that has been scientifically linked to poor diet as an increased risk factor.
- Drink water – Water plays a vital role in your health. Your body in itself, is made up of abou sixty percent water. Some of its role include helping your body dispose waste, regulates your body temperature, transporting nutrients into cells, and also boost your skin health. The daily recommended volume of water to consume varies between male and female. While men need about 3.7 liters daily, women need 2.7 liters.
- Stay active – Another important tip in taking care of yourself is staying active. Balance is key in healthy living practices. As you eat healthy, it’s noteworthy that you must be active. Sedentary living is never a good idea. You might not even need to register in a gym, what’s more important is that you are physically and moderately exerting yourself on a regular basis.
You can do this by engaging in household chores, walking around your neighborhood or choosing to take the stairs at your workplace rather than the elevator.
Contrary to popular opinion, staying active is not just for the purpose of loosing weight or avoiding weight gain, it has many other physical benefit such as, when you exercise regularly your appetite is better controlled, you find that your sleep pattern also improves and your mood is improved.
- Sleep well – Never be too busy that you evade sleep continuously. Your body doesn’t just need food, water or activity, it also needs rest. You need quality sleep to relieve any form of stress that you might have gone through during the day.
As you sleep, your brain and body has time to energize and regroup to serve you better when you wake up. It is recommended to sleep at least seven to nine hours sleep every night.
- Go for regular check up – You do not have to feel like something is wrong before going to a doctor. Healthy living practices include having a routine check up. If you are determined about self care, you will look beyond the aesthetic of it and pay attention to your inside.
It’s easier to schedule set times each year for a routine check up. Many critical health conditions could have been averted if the persons involved went earlier to the doctor.
Take Care
You owe your body a responsibility to take ample care of it. There is a popular phrase that says “garbage in, garbage out”, if you treat your body haphazardly, the outcome will also be haphazard. It might not happen now but somewhere along the years you might look back and wish you treated your body better. Ensure to pay more attention in taking care of yourself today, start now and start early.